Friday, April 4, 2014

Wow it's been a while!

Howdy folks! 

It has been a whirlwind 2013-14 (so far)  for team Macias! Let me recap the past for you.

- In January, I quit my lovely job at CHP. It didn't go badly, there was no drama, we were just going to be moving so I quit working to pack up.

- The very next week, Jim to a different flying job with a whole new company...surprise we are staying in Portland!...?

- I went to Vegas. See my Instagram @mellamorobin for all the shenanigans! 

- After a long few weeks, Jim and I made the decision to move to Klamath Falls, Oregon. It's a quaint little town. So far we have been here a little under a week. I've realized a few things since being here:

1. People can't drive here. It's like they don't realize that gas and oil are precious commodities, so they speed up to slam on their brakes, drive the most exhaust-releasing trucks, and leave their cars running.
2. They have vegetarian options in the grocery stores!!!!! Tofurky anyone??! 
3. It is DRY. Coming from a humid climate to here is really frustrating.

There are some good things we've found. Things like the cupcake bar, the local coffee shop, and a super delicious Chinese restaurant. I'm looking forward to getting to know the area more. 

So I think that's it for our little family. We're happy, healthy and moving forward. 

Blue skies, 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Very Callie Ko Blog Post

This post is dedicated to my little furry muffin, who turned two last month. Yes, I know her exact birthday. We celebrated with a birthday song, a special fish dinner, new toys and a new collar as is tradition. She even got a special birthday note and a Petco gift card from her favorite uncle!

Happy second birthday Cal! 10-17-13

So, I have to take a post to thank my cat for being my cat. Some folks think I'm overly attached to this little fluffy hermit that eats tuna fish and poops in a box, but I don't think I could live without her. There are so many things I could talk about when it comes to Cal, but a few "thank yous" come to mind. Without further ado Cal, this is to you.

Cal's "You're not sharing that granola" face

Dear Cal-meow,

Thank you for being the first and (typically) last smile of my day. You wake me up by licking my nose, and I smile. You hop on the bed, and snuggle between my knees at night. I'm uncomfortable, but I smile. I love the majority of your silliness and I always laugh at the way you sit in corners. You're a little bit of happiness I didn't know I was missing.

Captured in a quiet moment
Thank you for being one thing I can always count on. At 6:00 am you want breakfast. And like clockwork when I come in from work at 7:00 pm you want dinner. I can always count on you being hungry or wanting to play.

Thank you for tolerating me when I'm lonely and need a snuggle. You protest, but you don't fight me when I just want to hold you. I know that's hard sometimes since you're a cat.

Thank you for inspiring me. I do what I do at work because you inspired me to. I make a case for animals every day because of you. I pick up strays because of you.

Thanks for putting up with Jim. He loves you in his own way. In time he'll start to show it.

Thank you for loving all of the toys I buy you. I love that you're OK with me spoiling you rotten.
Callie Ko- purring

One last thing Cal,

Thanks for purring. Whenever I want to break down, say I quit, or are just so tired I could rage, you always end up purring. You melt my heart with your little throat motor. My mom always called it boiling potatoes, but we all know how you feel about potatoes.

I wish I could freeze time so that you won't grow old and die. I cried on your birthday because it has been such a beautiful and special year with you, and I want it to last forever. I know you won't be with me until I'm old and grey, but in the meantime just do me this one favor- never, EVER stop purring.

I love you, furry muffin.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Pet Blog? Feedback appreciated!

I think the number one question I get on the web is "Why don't you make and keep a Pet Blog?". It's amazing to me that so many people see my love for their furry family members and decide for me that I should have a blog dedicated to them. I often think up reasons why I shouldn't, but then I think of all the reasons why I should.

1. Not enough time to post, capture photos, etc. I spend so much time at the clinic anyway.
2. Not enough knowledge. I'm not a veterinarian, people!
3. Everyone else has one. Hello, Blogpaws?
4. I only have a cat...and a fish.
5. I despise the controversies, but want to keep my opinions.
6. Did I mention not enough time?

1. I live and breathe pet care, all day, every day.
2. I have strong opinions, but can keep it classy.
3. I enjoy healthy debate.
4. I do a lot of DIY pet projects that would make great posts.
5. I bake dog treats as a hobby.
6. I am an expert on fleas and how to treat them properly. The world NEEDS to know this stuff.
7. I could write about pets for years and still have more to talk about.
8. I am willing to admit I don't know everything.
9. I have a great camera, time to put it to use.
10. Callie would want me to.
11. I have nothing else to do in my free time.
12. I enjoy writing pet product reviews.
13. I welcome questions from friends and other folks about pets all the time.
14. I work in the perfect job for it.

I should just do it.
What do you think? If I made a pet blog, would you enjoy it? Would you read it? Would you comment on it? Would you help me think of fun topics? Would you want a guest post? If I made a giveaway, would you join in?

Also: Say I did make one. What the heck would I name it?

PLEASE comment on this one. I really need some advice.
Blue skies and tons of autumn leaves,

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Looking back, then ahead.

Today is going to be a bit of a journal entry. Sorry to all those readers who hate personal journal-type blogging. I try not to do this very often.

As you may have guessed from my last blog post, Jim began the search for the next step in his pilot career. As luck would have it, he found a few rather quickly. However most of those few didn't pan out the way he thought they would and once again was left to start at square one. I- on one hand- was more or less excited about the prospect of living in a new place, wiping the slate clean as it were. On the other hand, somewhere deeply buried in the darkest depths of my heart, I was upset. We have a good life here in Vancouver. I have an interesting job, we have friends here, and I'm comfortable. Why would Jim want to give all that up? It comes down to the pilot mentality of "Always looking for the next big thing." I knew Jim was a go-getter from the day I met him, but I didn't expect to be out of here so quickly. Next summer? Maybe.

In August Jim went for his six-month check ride (Can he fly the plane? Y/N) in Texas. It was supposed to take place here in the northwest, but didn't. Anyway, while he was in Texas, a lot of talk was going around about starting a new program. It sounded too good to be true, but Jim offered to move to get this project started. After a few weeks of deliberation, they accepted Jim into this new program. I'd tell you more details, but even I don't understand it. He got the call about two weeks ago. We're moving. To South Dakota. Let me tell you something before you ask: We don't know WHEN we are going. It comes down to Jim's replacement here (how fast he's trained, etc.). It's all new and exciting and I should be happy, right? I am, mostly. Simply put, I'm not ready to leave but I can see the hourglass running out of sand.

So much has happened since I've met and married Jim. So many happy memories have been made. Part of me wants roots, the other wants wings and between the two lies the happiest I have ever been. And that has been all of my time with Jim. But this move scares me to death, and I fear I'm going to be ruined by it. I've been doing a lot of reminiscing. I feel oddly nostalgic about everything I have. And I've been doing a lot of looking ahead. Somehow I just can't focus on the present and it drives me mad.

This is a long-winded post to let you know I'm scattered. I don't know when I'll post again because I'm just at a loss of what to say.

Blue skies,

P.S. Cal is great. Still my awkward cat. I think she even knows something is happening. I've been sorting and consolidating all sorts of things. She's been "helping" by sitting in the boxes, and running around the apartment like there is an invisible NASCAR track along its edges. Cats, right?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Caravans and Chieftans and 1900s. Oh My!

Recently there has been a lot of talk about Jim's next job. Let me be the first to tell you that we don't know where we are going yet. Stop asking. There are rumors swirling by a number of folks and for some reason we can't seem to get a hold on telling everyone that we don't know where we are going.

Jim's a great up and coming pilot with a lot of opportunities before him. Hopefully we'll be hearing back soon about one of them in particular, but my mouth is shut until he signs a contract.

So let me say this again.
We don't know where we are going.

Blue Skies,

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

This is Life

As I sit here and look at my computer screen, I'm at a complete loss. I have no idea what I should be saying to you. I suppose I'll just start with the boring things, and maybe it will turn into something more. Who knows.

My last post was in May. June happened. And now it is July. Looking back on the months, not much has happened. I work 4-5 days out of the week, and cram a lot into those days. Weekends are a thing of the past, since my monday is wednesday and my friday is saturday or sunday. Jim and I spend maybe 1 day together per week. I spend my days off trying to relax enough to want to take on the next week.

To be real with you, these past months have been a blur. The highlights have been minimal. Just birthdays (I turned 22, Jim 25) and our first anniversary. We celebrated by doing things we always do. To be honest, they weren't even that "special" because we didn't do anything out of the ordinary to remember them by.

I can't say that I'm disappointed though, because what we're doing now is just life. It's monotonous, mind-numbing, and as exhilarating as watching grass grow.

Sadly, I'm starting to think this might be my last "right seat" post. Or one of the last. Since there is nothing exciting happening there is nothing to record, and nothing to read.

The only real up currently is Callie Ko. She's doing well, loves to eat and play and cuddle in bed. She hates the vet and turns into satan when she has to go. She made a friend in another kitty that I often see outside our bedroom window. I don't know her name, but she and Callie like to sit and watch each other through the window. As I write, she is sitting next to me, purring herself to sleep. Callie is the most precious thing I have to my name, and I think she knows it. There is no better friend than her.

Well, it's off to try and find adventure today.
Blue skies,

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

On being a Vegetarian

So I'm a vegetarian...sometimes. Well most of the time I am a vegetarian. I won't pass up a delicious Mahi Mahi for the sake of "Being a vegetarian" though. Here are my thoughts on this entire subject. This post will be a short one.

I'm a vegetarian because I typically eat more vegetables and fruits than anything else. Anything else includes dairy, meat, and eggs. I just never enjoyed the taste or texture of meat, I can't stand eggs, and I drink milk when it's steamed and mixed with espresso. I LOVE hummus and vegetables. Pineapple is my favorite fruit, mango comes second (I'm sure tropical, yeah?).

I'm a vegetarian because I have an ethical aversion to the massive meat industry. Mass-produced animals aren't respected and cherished in their lives or their deaths. They are a number. They aren't humanely cared for. They are scared. They are everything you don't want to think about while you chomp on your burger or chicken wings. But it's the sad SAD truth. And I can't handle it. So I choose to eat vegetarian whenever I can.

Now, I'm not ruling out all meat. I did that for a year and couldn't handle it. There are days when I crave fish. So I go down to the store, and talk with a clerk about where their fish came from. If it was sustainably caught I don't really mind purchasing it. I still can't think about it being alive once. The minute I do that I freak out. On average I eat meat once every six months or so, then wonder why I did because my system doesn't like it anymore.

I guess I'm posting my thoughts on my personal vegetarianism because I need to let it out somewhere. I don't want to turn into a preachy veggie who thinks the world should never eat meat again. I only ask that you think about your meat ingestion. If you're OK looking the other way and still eating mass-produced meat products then by all means, go for it. But if not, maybe try giving semi-vegetarianism a try. Or just reduce the number of times you eat meat in a week. It's surprisingly easy.

I hope i didn't offend anyone, but if I did let's talk about it.
Blue skies,