Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Pet Blog? Feedback appreciated!

I think the number one question I get on the web is "Why don't you make and keep a Pet Blog?". It's amazing to me that so many people see my love for their furry family members and decide for me that I should have a blog dedicated to them. I often think up reasons why I shouldn't, but then I think of all the reasons why I should.

1. Not enough time to post, capture photos, etc. I spend so much time at the clinic anyway.
2. Not enough knowledge. I'm not a veterinarian, people!
3. Everyone else has one. Hello, Blogpaws?
4. I only have a cat...and a fish.
5. I despise the controversies, but want to keep my opinions.
6. Did I mention not enough time?

1. I live and breathe pet care, all day, every day.
2. I have strong opinions, but can keep it classy.
3. I enjoy healthy debate.
4. I do a lot of DIY pet projects that would make great posts.
5. I bake dog treats as a hobby.
6. I am an expert on fleas and how to treat them properly. The world NEEDS to know this stuff.
7. I could write about pets for years and still have more to talk about.
8. I am willing to admit I don't know everything.
9. I have a great camera, time to put it to use.
10. Callie would want me to.
11. I have nothing else to do in my free time.
12. I enjoy writing pet product reviews.
13. I welcome questions from friends and other folks about pets all the time.
14. I work in the perfect job for it.

I should just do it.
What do you think? If I made a pet blog, would you enjoy it? Would you read it? Would you comment on it? Would you help me think of fun topics? Would you want a guest post? If I made a giveaway, would you join in?

Also: Say I did make one. What the heck would I name it?

PLEASE comment on this one. I really need some advice.
Blue skies and tons of autumn leaves,