Tuesday, May 14, 2013

On being a Vegetarian

So I'm a vegetarian...sometimes. Well most of the time I am a vegetarian. I won't pass up a delicious Mahi Mahi for the sake of "Being a vegetarian" though. Here are my thoughts on this entire subject. This post will be a short one.

I'm a vegetarian because I typically eat more vegetables and fruits than anything else. Anything else includes dairy, meat, and eggs. I just never enjoyed the taste or texture of meat, I can't stand eggs, and I drink milk when it's steamed and mixed with espresso. I LOVE hummus and vegetables. Pineapple is my favorite fruit, mango comes second (I'm sure tropical, yeah?).

I'm a vegetarian because I have an ethical aversion to the massive meat industry. Mass-produced animals aren't respected and cherished in their lives or their deaths. They are a number. They aren't humanely cared for. They are scared. They are everything you don't want to think about while you chomp on your burger or chicken wings. But it's the sad SAD truth. And I can't handle it. So I choose to eat vegetarian whenever I can.

Now, I'm not ruling out all meat. I did that for a year and couldn't handle it. There are days when I crave fish. So I go down to the store, and talk with a clerk about where their fish came from. If it was sustainably caught I don't really mind purchasing it. I still can't think about it being alive once. The minute I do that I freak out. On average I eat meat once every six months or so, then wonder why I did because my system doesn't like it anymore.

I guess I'm posting my thoughts on my personal vegetarianism because I need to let it out somewhere. I don't want to turn into a preachy veggie who thinks the world should never eat meat again. I only ask that you think about your meat ingestion. If you're OK looking the other way and still eating mass-produced meat products then by all means, go for it. But if not, maybe try giving semi-vegetarianism a try. Or just reduce the number of times you eat meat in a week. It's surprisingly easy.

I hope i didn't offend anyone, but if I did let's talk about it.
Blue skies,

1 comment:

  1. No offense at at all. But I do hesitate to comment as I must confess to being an unrepentant omnivore (though tilting more to vegies every year).

    Maybe I'm insensitive, but the meat production process just doesn't faze me or ruin the enjoyment of the product. Maybe my early years on the farm did it - I spare you the details. On the other hand, I have absolutely nothing against any kind of vegetarianism, even when it gets preachy.

    I'm glad you are tolerant and don't mind me munching my burger while you nibble your salad.
