Tuesday, July 23, 2013

This is Life

As I sit here and look at my computer screen, I'm at a complete loss. I have no idea what I should be saying to you. I suppose I'll just start with the boring things, and maybe it will turn into something more. Who knows.

My last post was in May. June happened. And now it is July. Looking back on the months, not much has happened. I work 4-5 days out of the week, and cram a lot into those days. Weekends are a thing of the past, since my monday is wednesday and my friday is saturday or sunday. Jim and I spend maybe 1 day together per week. I spend my days off trying to relax enough to want to take on the next week.

To be real with you, these past months have been a blur. The highlights have been minimal. Just birthdays (I turned 22, Jim 25) and our first anniversary. We celebrated by doing things we always do. To be honest, they weren't even that "special" because we didn't do anything out of the ordinary to remember them by.

I can't say that I'm disappointed though, because what we're doing now is just life. It's monotonous, mind-numbing, and as exhilarating as watching grass grow.

Sadly, I'm starting to think this might be my last "right seat" post. Or one of the last. Since there is nothing exciting happening there is nothing to record, and nothing to read.

The only real up currently is Callie Ko. She's doing well, loves to eat and play and cuddle in bed. She hates the vet and turns into satan when she has to go. She made a friend in another kitty that I often see outside our bedroom window. I don't know her name, but she and Callie like to sit and watch each other through the window. As I write, she is sitting next to me, purring herself to sleep. Callie is the most precious thing I have to my name, and I think she knows it. There is no better friend than her.

Well, it's off to try and find adventure today.
Blue skies,

1 comment:

  1. Please don't halt your blog just because of lack of highlights. Your life itself is a highlight to many of us, and Callie is too. Besides, your past blogs have been about your feelings and philosophies, not adventures or events. AND, your writing is worth reading whatever the subject. Keep 'em coming!!
