Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Are We OK?

I've been thinking lately about the idea of being OK. What makes me OK? How do I know if I'm OK? If I'm not OK, how do I keep it together until I am OK? ...am I OK right now?

Here are my answers, as short as they may be.

What makes me OK
- Knowing Jim loves me
- Hugging Callie Ko
- Doing what I love (working with animals, cleaning the bathroom, writing, drinking tea and sitting in silence, yoga etc.)
- Being content with myself as I am physically, mentally, and emotionally.
- Realizing that things are the way they are, and I can choose to be present in these changing moments.

How do I know if I'm OK
- Do I feel like Jim loves me?
- Have I hugged Callie Ko?
- What am I doing? Do I love it?
- Am I feeling insecure or being self-critical?
- Where am I? Am I present in all situations, or am I wishing for things to be different?

How to keep it together
- Go for a walk
- Take a shower
- Squeeze Jim's hand
- Hug Callie Ko
- Shut up, and have a cup of tea
- Spend some time reflecting on my inner self.
- Remember that being present is a choice.
- Listen to uplifting music

Currently I am a bit of a mix between a little happy and a little sad. But I am present, and I am choosing to look for the good and not the bad in my life. Truthfully, yes, I am OK.

I hope you found this insider's look into my philosophy helpful. Being OK doesn't mean you have to be bubbling over with happiness. You are, however, entitled to being present and open to things that happen in life- good and bad- and choosing to rise above the complacency and be OK.

Are you OK?

Blue skies,

1 comment:

  1. A very cool insight that "Being Present" is a key part of being OK. It also certainly describes you, though maybe "Being in the middle of it" would fit better. Makes me think about what being OK means for me.

    Under "How to keep it together", you forgot "call the old uncle when things get rough".
