Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The return of Callie Ko and other happenings.

Look who is home! The weekend of March 24, Jim and I went up to Wenatchee for a hockey game. After the game we talked, and decided that we could finally afford to bring my furry monster home. I haven't been happier! 

Please welcome Callie Ko back to Right Seat, and to Vancouver! She's been nervous for the past week but is adjusting to life here well. Her favorite things to do so far are watch the birds and squirrels from the safety of the back slider, find new hiding spots and wake me up at three in the morning because she is hungry. I've missed my cutie muffin.

I think she's enjoying being out of my parents' place. If you didn't know, she had been living with them since Christmas 2012. During the move to Vancouver we were informed of a huge pet deposit for her that we couldn't quite afford, so until we were able to swing it, she lived in the Tri-Cities. IT WAS TORTURE. I don't wish what happened on anyone. Ever. 

Now that Cal is home, life has a sort of rhythm to it I had forgotten about. I am now more active, running and soon I'll be cycling! I now want to spend time at home, cooking and cleaning and being a housewife because I have someone to "help" me by shedding everywhere and asking to try my cooking. I love having her here, and in a small, silent way Jim does too. He just won't admit it, and his allergies have since kicked in. But he's a trooper and is adjusting to her arrival as well.


In other news, April 6 marks my two-month anniversary at the Cat Hospital! I'm excited to have a job I love. Not many people are blessed like this, and yet I continue to be. It's amazing how a little perseverance and a lot of patience can get you right where you need to be.  I look forward to many more "marks" and anniversaries at this practice. I work with a great team, and they all have big hearts for the kitties we care for. I am truly inspired by my job, and have set goals for myself I never thought I'd want to set. More details to come later!!

Bluest of blue skies,

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