Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I don't know how to blog.

Well hi, what are you doing? Me? I'm sitting at Starbucks like the goober I am and wondering what on earth I should write about today. Honestly, I don't know how a month went by without a post from me. To my readers who sent me e-mails asking where I went I'm sorry! I went to work, and my schedule is funky now. I don't know how else to apologize.

Maybe I should start off by saying, I don't know how to blog. I mean let's be honest. Does anyone really "know" how to blog? I've never met a blogger who thought they had it all figured out. I was thinking the other day about this concept and started compiling a list of websites and photos of "tips" from people who have very popular blogs and here's generally what I came up with.

1. Have something to say.

I think this one sort of went without saying, but here's what I think. I often read blogs that read something like this "Here's what I did today. The end." These types of posts have their place (hello, I do that all the time- it's called Robin Has Nothing To Say Today posting) But I think it's important that you go into a blog post with some inkling of an idea of a topic before you start word vomiting. After all, readers want to read about SOMETHING. And I guarantee that if you try, you can have something important to say about something, whatever that something you decide may be.

2. "Say little, but say it well"

This goes hand in hand with number one. Whatever that "something" is that you have to say, don't write an entire essay. If you happen to make an essay out of a post, don't worry! I know from personal experience that as long as every post doesn't take an hour to get through, most readers won't care if you're occasionally long- winded.

3. Be engaging.

Not to brag, but I write this way naturally. I write my blog as if we were talking across the table at a local pub or coffee shop. It's casual. MY advice on this one, is more or less to find your voice and make sure that it keeps your readers' attention.

4. Have a voice.

Wait, I just said to find your voice. And now I'm saying have one? WHAT?

Be opinionated. Stick to your guns. Don't be afraid to be wrong. You're not going to please everyone. With having a voice comes a little caveat though. BE RESPECTFUL.

5. Admit you don't have all the answers.

I work at a hospital for cats, and I have pets of my own. But do I have a veterinary medicine degree? No. Would I give medical advice to you for your pet? Probably not, unless it was about flea control, trimming nails, or making a pet emergency/first aid kit.

You probably don't have all of the answers either. If you do, tell me everything, including the meaning of existence. I've always wondered why I'm here. Just take a deep breath, write a little disclaimer saying "This is how it is for me" and carry on with your post.

6. Last but not least: ENJOY WHAT YOU'RE DOING.

If you're not having fun with your blog, the odds are your readers aren't either. You should know by now that I'm silly. I posted a picture of me licking an ice cream cone, and talk way too much about my cat. But I'm having fun with what I'm doing. And I guarantee my readers who've been with me from the start are too.

What is one important thing YOU remember while blogging? Tell me in the comments below!


Coming up on my blog: Welcoming Callie Ko to Vancouver! (She will be back home with us this weekend!)

This might be a two-post day, so come back to visit later!

Blue Skies,