Monday, February 18, 2013

11 Things

Lately I've been very scarce in the blogging world. I've been spending all of my free time recuperating from the past week's worth of work. Speaking of which, I don't think I've mentioned my job yet.

I am working at the Cat Hospital of Portland. It's been two full weeks of work so far, and I love it. The days are long, the work is challenging, and the cats are...well, cats! There isn't a whole lot more I want to say about it- I wake up, drive over to Sellwood, park on the street, go in, and don't come out until the end of the day.

It's day two of my three day weekend (my weekends are always three days. It's wonderful.) I would definitely love to write more, but to be honest I'm a little out of steam. To kick myself out of this habit, I'm going to take on Danni's 11 Things Meme from over at her blog The Barefooted Mama

 1. What is one favorite childhood memory?
Annual beach trips to the Oregon Coast. Those trips sparked my love affair with the ocean and the animals that inhabit it. 
2. Favorite guilty pleasure?
Don't laugh, but honestly my guiltiest pleasure is watching cartoons and eating mac and cheese. 
3. If you could swap places with anyone who would it be?
I don't think I'd want anyone else's life, because I'm selfish. I wouldn't want to give up my relationship with Jim even for a minute.
4. Favorite Book or Genre to read?
My life was changed by reading Thoreau's Walden. But my favorite author(s) include, Lewis, Tolkein and who could ever forget J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter anyone?
5. List 5 items on your bucket list.
1. Buy a house
2. Visit India
3. Take my husband to Hawaii (This might happen sooner than he thinks)
4. Watch all of my best friends get married.
5. At the end of my life, look back and say "I can't believe I did all that."
6. What is your morning routine?
Make it out of bed, shuffle to the bathroom, look at my hair and say "Wow, that's a hot mess." (and do nothing to fix it). Keep in mind that is if I'm not working. If I'm working I bolt out of the bed screaming I'm late, put on makeup and throw my hair up in a messy bun. I throw on scrubs, grab something for breakfast and run out the door.
7. Sweet, salty, spicy or a combination of those foods?
ALL OF THE ABOVE. I love sweet things, salty things and spicy things. 
8. Favorite movie or show to watch?
Movie: Harry Potter 1-7 pt.2
Show: Futurama
9. Outside or inside activities?
OUTside. The world is wonderful, and I love to go exploring.
10. Are you a morning or night person?
Honestly neither. I'm more of a mid-afternoon person. Now that I'm working I can't stay up past 11 without being exhausted the next day, and I always wake up before 8 in the morning.
11. Share a favorite photo you've taken in the last year.
I'm going to share this picture, because it's the happiest description of my last year. I got married! I know, it's not a diamond. I didn't want one. Also, my nails were blue at my wedding, which was epic and quirky and perfect. Anyway, this is a favorite picture, taken on our honeymoon at Disneyland. 

So I'm supposed to think of 11 Things now for those that want to play along. 
1. What is your favorite dog breed?
2. What is your biggest sin against the environment?
3. What is your biggest fear?
4. Does the weather impact your emotions?
5. Share a silly photo of yourself.
6. Do you have any hidden talents?
7. What is your least favorite beverage?
8. Ocean, lake or river?
9. What is your fashion style?
10. Share a quote that has impacted your life.
11. Tell us about the best moment of your life so far.

Blue skies,

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