Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hello, SWEET NEW Laptop!!

I don't even really know where to start this post. Honestly, I have no idea where to begin because what happened was SO COOL! OK OK, deep breath and here we go. 

As everyone knows, I have been blogging from my phone for an entire month due to my ancient laptop finally dying and being beyond repair. It has been difficult to do almost anything tech related. The worst part by far was not being able use any word processing applications. I couldn't update my resume, write anything and save it (except for blogging, but if you've tried it from your phone you know it sucks) or even write a simple note without taking forever to type with my iPhone. My fingers would ache at the end of the day because of all the typing on my iPhone's little keyboard. I knew I would have to get a laptop soon if I wanted my blogging or anything related to continue. But where was I going to get one?

I scoured the internet, hoping to find a super cheap "filler" laptop in the meantime, while I saved for the computer I really wanted. I couldn't find one that was cheap enough. I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg for a computer I wasn't going to use for very long. Then I had the thought to get an iPad with my husband. He's hoping to buy one for flying. When he decided to get one I thought that maybe it would be nice to use it on occasion for blogging and everything else. But that idea kind of fizzled out as I realized I'd not be happy with the keyboard. After all, and iPad to me is only a glorified and larger iPhone. Defeated, I was contemplating telling everyone a sweet goodbye for now. 

Then we moved to Portland. I had my sights set on working and saving up to get a laptop. Jim left for Texas (training!) and I was left to unpack the ENTIRE apartment. It's still a wreck, mind you. Anyway…

Yesterday my aunt, uncle and sister came down to visit for the weekend! I have been so excited to have them over to the new place, and to spend today watching the Seahawks game with my sister. After they arrived, we had a great lunch at the Olive Garden. I had a delicious pasta dish with my favorite drink, the Bella Limonata (it's non-alcoholic, but it's delicious!). After our meal, my aunt and uncle asked if Kaylene and I wanted to go shopping. It's Kaylene's favorite hobby, so of course we said we'd like to go. They decided on going to Washington Square because they needed our (K and my) advice about "something." Having no clue whatsoever about what was going to happen, I said OK. And off we went.

When we got to Washington Square, they immediately found a directory. When I asked where we were going they said we'll see. I was a little skeptical, but I'm not big on pushing for answers. We walked for a ways, then came to the Apple Store. I thought my uncle needed help finding new accessories for his iPhone or needed help getting some sort of case for one of their laptops. I asked my uncle what he needed and he responded "No, what do YOU need?"

I was shocked. SHOCKED. And that's about all I can say since I'm still in shock. I am currently writing to you via my NEW MACBOOK AIR, bought for me by my Aunt Claudia and Uncle Chuck. They bought one for my sister, too! I am amazed, astounded, taken back, filled with gratitude and overall…just…wow.

My desktop background is this picture of Callie. (Of course) Kaylene's is a picture of our sweet chocolate dog, JoJo.

                                       I still can't believe it. How do you even begin to say thank you to something so generous? I feel so loved and special. It's incredible.

Can you believe it? I have a laptop again! I feel like having a mini dance party, screaming with delight and maybe crying because of how overwhelmed I am. This is amazing. This is so…SO amazing.

Blue skies and sunshine,


  1. Congrats on the new laptop Robin!! I look forward to reading the future blog posts that you write from it :)

  2. Getting your and sissy's Air's made this weekend one of the best EVER! We had been agonizing over your predicament for a long time. After all, as an author, blogger, photographer, and general all-around communicator, you NEED a computer, and a small laptop is ideal for your lifestyle. I had passing thoughts about an iPad, but also realized as you did that it really wouldn't work (which is why we got an Air last year instead of an iPad). And I would NEVER consider sullying your life with a PC, even as a gift! Besides all that, you and K are special and we just love to do this kind of stuff for you! And doing it in a real bee-hive Apple Store was an experience of its own (gotta buy some APPL stock!). Lots of love as always - UC
