Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happily Home

I love being in the Tri-Cities. There is something about sleeping in your room that is magical once you move away from where you grew up. It's great to go downstairs to make a cup of tea and have the dog wag her tail at you.

Sorry I've been scarce for almost two weeks. There's a lot going on in my life right now that I just can't blog about. When the dust settles, I'll be back!

Here's a quick thought: Remember that what someone says about you say more about them than it does you. Carry that with you if you ever have trouble with people.

Blue skies,

1 comment:

  1. You stirred some very old and very pleasant memories of coming home after my first months away at college in the 60's. It was great waking up in my own little room and going down stairs to fresh coffee and the little white & black dog happy to see me Funny but the smell and taste are much more vivid than the visual.

    And it's great having you here for a few days too!
