Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Handling Stress...Yeah NO.

The title of my blog says it all. In the past two weeks (almost) that I have been in Vancouver, the search for a new job (one I had didn't work out. Jerks.) has been driving me INSANE.

I've applied to almost 50 jobs now with no luck whatsoever. My resume and references are killer, my communication skills what gives?

Part of me wants to give up. Part of me wants to rage. Part of me, the most of me, wants to just cry. Why can't I get a job? Is there something wrong with me? All of these things are running through my head.

Short post. Sad post.

Grey grey GREY skies,


  1. Very cool blog. Interesting posts. ;)
    Nice atmosphere guests with you here on the blog. ;]
    Yours. Have a nice day. !

    Follow me on facebook fanpage
    I'm very concerned about this, please. :)

  2. Robin, there is NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING wrong with you. You are a fabulous, hardworking, amazing person. Jobs are hard to come by right now, especially somewhere as busy as Portland. So grab a hot cup of tea, maybe some C.S. Lewis or Harry Potter, and try again tomorrow. In the meantime, know I love you and I'm praying for you.

  3. The job market is tough indeed. But don't stop being persistent. Trust me it pays off when job hunting!
