Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cal's Animal- Friendly Resolution Ideas

I know what you're thinking. There is no way Callie could make her own blog post. Before I came back to the apartment without her to move, I sat down and asked her what she thought my resolution should be. We never came up with one. BUT! Cal had some great ideas which I have expanded on for you.

Blue skies,

By Callie Ko

Calidea #1: Go for a daily walk. If you have to, bring the horrid dog. (Mommy loves them...why, I have no idea)

Calidea #2: Spring Clean. Use up the products that could harm me and use better for me products to clean from then on out. (No bleach for my kitty paws please!)

Calidea #3: Keep yourself healthy! When you do that for yourself you get into the habit of doing it for me.

Calidea #4: You could go vegetarian or vegan! Mommy and daddy are vegetarians. They're healthy and are doing more for animals by foregoing meat and eggs. (They're in the process of going vegan)

Calidea #5: Volunteer at an animal shelter! Or better yet, become a foster parent to some fur- babies like me!

Calidea #6: If you have a horrid dog, find activities to do with them! Agility, fly ball, dock jumping, and training classes are just a few.

Calidea #7: Vow to feed your pet a better for them food!

Calidea #8: Play with your pet every day. Mommy plays with me all the time. It keeps my body and mind active so I stay fit even though I don't go outside.

Calidea #9: If you're feeling really brave, switch to animal friendly clothes and shoes! Mommy has a pair if vegan shoes- I like to play with them. That would mean tossing your leather and fur and being conscious of what you're purchasing.

Calidea#10: Continue to treat me and my animal friends with love and respect. We live in the same world you do, and cannot speak for ourselves. We get old and aren't "fun" anymore. We get tossed into shelters when you move. We get lost and often never come home. We get abused, treated unfairly because of our looks, we get neglected. We get treated badly and live in bad conditions in factory farms.

If you have a pet, spoil them rotten. Love them until your heart is overflowing with love for other animals. Help them be happy and healthy. Respect their instincts. Take the silly mistakes and turn them into something funny. Don't take a minute with them for granted.

Help lost pets get off the street. Become aware if what happens to the animals that go into making your burger. Make smarter choices about where you buy your meats and animal products. Respect the animal-ness of the animal and keep your conscience clear!

Happy New Year! Meow meow!
Callie Ko.

Ps: I took this picture with mommy before she left to pack. I miss her and daddy, though he's not as sweet as mommy is.