Sunday, October 7, 2012

Flying- why I love it, why I hate it.

This picture was taken en route to Long Beach, CA.
Jim had a flight and needed someone to come along- so I did.

Let me be frank- I love and hate flying all at the same time. My husband is wonderful. He's hard-working, a strong leader, and is the most compassionate/generous guy you'll ever meet. But he has a serious addiction to flying. It's a good addiction, don't get me wrong. It's that addiction that keeps him loving his job, even though it's kind of ridiculous what he has to put up with. It keeps him satisfied with his career. 

But it's also a bad addiction that sometimes I'm afraid of. He gets moody when he doesn't fly, some nights all we do is talk about flying and when he studies for his tests/certs I want to punch him in the face to get him to stop teaching me about flying. He works long hours some days, and when I ask when he'll be home (so I know if I should make dinner) I get a snide comment back. Flying is a necessary evil.

Flying is freeing. Being able to wake up in one city and go to sleep in one across the world seems like a fantasy. Welcome to my reality. Once we get to a city and a job that Jim wants to stay in, all of this drama we deal with daily will be worth it. I'm just impatient...or maybe I'm patient. I don't know.

Someday I'll look back on these dramas and laugh. Until then I'll fight to keep "flying" without all the baggage.

Blue skies,

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