Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Theme? Eh...

Last night I was talking to Danni Meyers of Capturing Life's Magick about our blogs. She has a wonderfully set up blog with more followers than I could ever hope for, a great format, cute graphics (not to mention adorable photos of the cutest baby in the WORLD) but most of all...she has a theme. Well, kind of. She has a general "theme" as I call it. You know, she's got Kaileb now, so her blog has kind of taken the "mommy blog" trend. It's awesome, because that is the chapter she is on in her life.

...but what about me? I started this blog as "Right Seat" hoping I could write about planes and the peninsula and the pleasures of being a pilot's wife. But as I sit here and ask myself what I want to be writing about, only one thing comes to mind. Can you guess it?


I'm conflicted. I want to write so much about pets that it kills me, but I also want to keep up with my life as well. What on earth should I do? Danni kind of hit the nail on the head. I'm going to pick one day out of the week and write about animals- what mine are doing, or my Happy Cal trick of the week, or maybe even write a post about my Betta fish. Who knows! The possibilities are endless with my knowledge of pets. I could make a video of how to trim pet nails, or do a product review, or talk to you about my current projects that are pet-related.

Seriously, I've got so many ideas racing through my mind. So here's what I'm going to do:

I'm going to leave my theme (for now) open-ended. I have a personal blog at the moment. It could change in the future, but for now I really want to just follow my list.

Did you know I have a list of posts to write about? I highly recommend making one. I have about 100 topic ideas that I choose from to write about. Some of them turn into series posts (like my Happy Cat idea. You'll see when I publish them!), others don't make the "POST- IT" cut. But I have a list, and it keeps me focused. Without it this blog would really be everywhere.

I digress...

Jim and I have news! In my next post, I will be spilling the beans about our news, though many of you know about it already. I'll be telling you all about the ups and downs, why I'm excited but also a little sad and how I'm dealing with the details. Are you excited? I am.

Blue Skies,


  1. I love you sometimes always maybe forever rarely on occasion. MUAH! I can't wait for you to come home and visit so we can drink way to much over priced coffee and catch up. Oh and Kai misses his Auntie Robin!

  2. Since you asked, here’s my humble opinion on your blog options. First, having known you all your life so far, I know that animals are in your soul. It would be impossible for you not to blog about them. But this time in your life is one of highest adventure and big changes that should be blogged as well. As an old (you’d say ‘very old’) pilot, I’m very interested in how your and Jim’s aviation experiences. So I say – do both! Whether you do it in Right Seat or make a separate animal blog is up to you. Just keep blogging!
