Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanks a lot, Thanksgiving.

You read the title correctly. I am currently annoyed at my vacation to the Tri-Cities because whenever I get there and decide to blog, everything goes upside down and I come home having not written at all. It's annoying! Since I'm not apologizing for my tardiness in posting due to our lack of internet, I am just going to write what I had planned to for the entire month of November. I had a brilliant plan. I was going to write what I was thankful for that week and post in on Thursdays. Then it turned into a cumulative post for Thanksgiving. And now it's a "November's ending! Ack! I've got to post!" post. Enjoy.

I'd even made a button! UGH! I hate holidays for posting. :P

Anyway, I'm going to only post a quick note about all five of the things I'm thankful for this month. I had seriously had such an awesome plan. Oh well, there's always next year.

OK Robin, FOCUS.

Coming in at Number 5...
I'm thankful for our apartment. We have a small on bedroom apartment on the ground level of our building. It's the perfect size for the two of us. It has a nice kitchen, a decently sized bathroom, lots of closet space and our bedroom is HUGE. I love our little home. We have just what we need here, and we have more than we could've hoped for. We have great furniture, kitchen appliances, and lots of love in this place to make this house our home. I'm going to miss it when we move from here, but I'm glad for the time spent within it's walls.

Number 4...
I'm thankful for tea. I know it sounds weird, being thankful for something as simple as tea. But a strong cup of tea and a good book/movie has been a God-send this past month. It's been dark, cold and rainy where were are this month, and I pretty much drained our tea supply. 

Ever since I was a kid I've enjoyed a good cup of tea in the afternoon. I guess it's one of those comforts that I don't ever want to miss out on. It reminds me of my momma, my home in West Richland, and everything I left when I moved. Drinking a cup of tea, as silly as it is, makes me feel connected to all that. Tea is really a heart thing for me. It warms me up clear to my soul, and reminds me in the darkest times that I'll be okay.

Number 3...
Callie Ko Macias. Need I write more about my cat? I'm obsessed, infatuated and so in love with my cat. Everyone knows it. Most smile and nod, because they know how wonderful my Cal is. Did you know her name is a play on words? Say "Callie Ko" fast. Sounds like Calico. Hah. 

Without her in my life, I would be so alone, depressed and definitely sad. My sister and I have a saying "The road to my heart is paved with paw prints." It's definitely true. Until we got Cal, my life in Port Angeles was such a sad existence. Many times I wanted to just go back home and give up on being strong and making it through the shadow. My heart was missing more than one piece, having lost my previous cat, Bebe, to the wild and having rehomed my wonderful Border Collie, Hannah.

It's almost been an entire year since Callie entered my life, and every day has been sweeter. She has been my friend in the happiest and darkest of times in Port Angeles, and I am so glad she is a part of my family. She filled a void in my heart, and I couldn't have chosen a more fun cat to fill it with.

For now, Callie is an only child. But not for long! Jim and I are hoping to add a dog to our family soon. I think she's going to be upset, but with time they'll come to like each other. After all, she's still young.

Number 2...
My family back in Tri-Cities. 
I really have no words without tears coming to my eyes. Even looking at this photo from our last ocean trip makes me weepy. I love my family and everything they do for me. They believe in me, support me and love me more than I could ask for. My momma is a wonderful lady. She knits, drinks tea, loves to read and loves Jesus more than anything in the world. My sister is a goober with a great fashion sense and a heart for animals that rivals mine. My daddy is a hard-working man who likes to watch tv and walk the dog. Together, all three of them have molded me into the young lady I am today and I have no words to thank them.

I took them for granted. Really, I did. And now that I'm all grown up, married and moved away I realize how much I miss the moments with them. Sorry, I really have to stop writing or I'm going to lose my marbles in public. I'm at a cafe darn it!

Number 1...
Mr. Macias.
I don't think I have to say much about this guy. You all know I'm smitten. I can't wait for the coming chapters of our adventure together. (No, we don't mean kids! Stop asking!) I am so proud of my husband. He is my rock, the mirror in which I see myself, and my best friend. I love how hard-working he is- really, his integrity and drive are amazing. He gives 100% in everything he does and it shows. Not only do I love everything he does, but I love everything he is. Jim is handsome, hilarious, sensitive and sweet. He's a great guy, and I'm continually blessed by his love. He loves me when I don't love myself. He loves me through my insecurities about living here, being alone, only really having a friend in my cat, etc. He loves me when I'm frustrated, and he challenges me to be my best.

The coolest thing ever said to me about Jim is that "Everything he does, Robin, we can see he does it with you in mind." I can't explain the feeling, the emotion, the...heart thing that happens when I remind myself of this. I'm often moved to tears, because it's what makes me fall in love with him all the more. How often can you say that about someone? Jim does EVERYTHING with me in mind. When I'm frustrated because he's working so long, I take a moment to say "Jim does everything with me in mind." and I'm comforted. I feel so protected by that statement. It's affirming, that no matter what we'll go through, we'll have each other until the end. Jim's selflessness in our relationship is one of the most precious qualities he has, and I don't let him forget it.

Thanks for being you, Jim Macias. I love you more and more each day.

Happy November. Remember to be thankful every day of your life. Also as my momma says, "Don't just count your blessings. Share them."

Blue skies,

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