Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween: Dressing Up Cal

As it's been said before, I'm an animal lover/advocate/radical pet owner. One of the things that seems to get a lot of controversy is "dressing up" pets. Some think it's hilarious and adorable and others think it's some form of cruel punishment. I don't know where you draw the line.

For me, though, I think as long as you're paying attention to your pet's physical signs (as to whether they like wearing what you've put them in) and you take off what they're wearing if they struggle, putting your cat/dog/rabbit/whatever in a sweater/ cape/costume etc is just fine. I put Callie through the costume test this year for Halloween. It started off with one costume and then turned into three.

The first was an adorable pumpkin costume, complete with a stem hat that went around her ears and under her chin. I tried it on her and took lots of pictures. Isn't she adorable? At first she didn't like wearing the costume. So I took it off of her and waited a few days. On the second try she LOVED it, and went about her business as if she wasn't wearing anything at all.

The second costume I found for my kitty was a SHARK! I've always wanted to dress up one of my pets in a shark costume, so when I found one that would fit Cal I knew she had to have it. This one was a little more tedious, and she didn't really like it as well as the pumpkin. She's equally as adorable though!

The third costume of Cal's is a little sailor suit. She HATED this one. I think it's because the little hat was bigger than her head. After posing for only a couple of pictures, my poor cat hid her face in a corner until I took it off of her, which was barely two minutes after putting it on. She was such a cutie though, I had to have pictures to remember it. Sadly, most of them came out as a total blur, so the one I have here is seriously the best one I've got. It's a little disappointing, but there's always next year for adorable photos!

All in all, I think Halloween was certainly a fun one for me and for Cal. She got lots of treats, and everyone on my Twitter feed LOVED her costumes. Who knows, maybe we'll dress her up as a penguin or a reindeer for the holidays ahead! (Think I should?)

So which costume of Cal's do you like the most? Comment below, or send me a tweet (@mellamorobin) or vote on Instagram (@mellamorobin) for your favorite!

Blue skies,
Robin and a quite annoyed Callie

P.S. Starting next week, I'll be posting once a week for my November Thankful Thursdays! I'll be writing a quick paragraph every day about one thing I'm thankful for, and posting them to my blog on Thursdays. Join me if you'd like, I'll add a link-up and button on my first NTT post! 

1 comment:

  1. Your kitten is ADORABLE. :D Also, I miss your face like no other. Why have we not seen each other yet? Coffee and ltg soon, k?
