Sunday, August 12, 2012

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pilot's Wife be Me

Here we are, post number one of this new blog. I'm nervous, sitting here in the bagel shop, the air conditioning making me shiver. Or, am I shivering because of my nerves about this blog? Anyway...

Hi! I'm Robin. You know me from Penned Obscurities. If you don't know what that is, then let me start off this blog with a super short bio about myself.

I started blogging many years ago as just a creative outlet. I had no idea that it would grow to become a hobby and a passion. I love sitting down in front of my laptop and putting whatever it is on my mind on a blog. But I got bored with just "journaling." I wanted to have inspiration, and a focus! So I began Penned Obscurities. At first it was going to be a poetry blog, then it was a 100 List blog (I'll explain that in a future post), then it was a blog about my college years, then it was just a journaling blog again. I really got frustrated with it, until I met Jim.

I know, weird that I started blogging again because of some man, but I did! It was amazing...and then we moved to Port Angeles.

Let me tell you right now so you don't freak out later: I don't have wifi up here. Nope. I sit here in the bagel shop or another cafe and write to my heart's content. I'm sure it's not ideal for everyone because it's loud and there are people around, but I have grown to enjoy it and look forward to coming here. I'm hoping for one post per week to start and will hopefully be able to come here more often to post.

I digress. Jim and I moved to Port Angeles right after becoming engaged. I spent all of my internet-free time planning the wedding of my dreams and working at a vet clinic. I didn't really give Penned Obscurities any thought. I didn't miss that blog. I missed the blogging though, so I decided that after the wedding was over, I would make a new blog and chronicle my life as a pilot's wife. And so the title of "Right Seat" came to be.

Hopefully this blog isn't just about my life. I hope it's about dreams and inspiration. I hope it's about our cat, Callie. I hope it's about hope, and faith. I hope it's about goals and achievement. I hope I can share everything relevant in this blog. And I hope you can share everything relevant with me.
Well, here we come to the end of my quick bio and hopes/dreams. Now on to the first (real) post?

Blue skies,



  1. I love that you're blogging again - since we never get to see each other, it definitely helps me get my Robin-fix. :) I miss you terribly much, darling, and as soon as I can afford/manage it I will get over and visit you. :) (Also, you (and Jim, of course!) are always welcome here in Bellingham!)

  2. cheeeeeeeesiest most awesome blog title award goes to this post :)
